The limits of a possibility are indefinable, until a possibility is over.
To escape, Rabbit and I create new, seemingly pleasant, circumstances. They are thin and it is damn hard to cling to them, but they are there.
The thin conditions offer sight of the fact that we need to go even further. We shall prove we can.
In these photographs, I look for the depth, composition and layering I find in the painters Rabbit and I admire.

In this project (2022), I try to grab the imagination by the throat. Faced with a time in which we waverlingly plod on, I feel the need to get a glimpse of a future we can cling to. I grab a lot and frequently miss.

then what makes me needed
how thin are the layers behind which
the unseen imagines itself
give me
an imprint of this life
my future fossil
i am precisely
at the edge

for all this to be too good to be true

Installation views in Pictura Groningen (2022) en Rotterdam Photo (2023)

That endless hope
Of all that lies ahead

And let’s hope it never ends
You hope it never ends
I hope it never ends
Forever Chords came into being during the corona pandemic. To keep going, I agreed with visual artist Peter Boersma to show each other something new every Friday. It could be an idea, a concept, a try-out or a completely new work. Gradually a whole new series emerged, which had much in common with Peter's collages. We showed the work in a successful duo exhibition at Galerie Noord in Groningen (May 2020).
Together with Rabbit, I created The Flux. An infinite, colourful parallel universe, without horizon and without a clear structure. After that I worked on The Truth. I tried to prove that the truth is pink and infinite. Lines were no longer only reserved for my installations. Now (2020) we are moving into another dimension.
We still explore what it means to be part of the greater whole and imagine being able to go straight through time, place and matter. On these mental journeys we move from real life and create an alternative reality. From that abstract level we try to get a grip on the truth and envision a future that is softer, smoother and more peaceful than the present. Rabbit and I are sensing a perfect world.
In Into another dimension the search runs through planes and lines.

Installation design and view during Art Rotterdam Week 2020 (Hotel Hilton, February 2020):